Motorists from the Crimea was given three additional months to replace the license plates of the Ukrainian sample on Russian. The head of the Russian-controlled Crimea’s Prosecutor Natalia Poklonskaya said on air of «First channel» that car owners who do not have time before April 1, to replace the rooms will not be held accountable for another three months.
In accordance with the RF government decree №1171 of October 31, 2015, owners of vehicles from the Crimea, received Russian citizenship must replace Ukrainian registration documents and license plates on the Russian before April 1, 2016. Drivers who do not, expects punishment – the penalty from 500 to 800 rubles, and in the case of repeated violation – a fine of 5 thousand rubles or disqualification from driving vehicle for 1 to 3 months. The approximation of the boundary term caused a stir in the Crimean ired. Motorists lined up in long queues for new documents.
In accordance with the Law «On ensuring rights and freedoms of citizens and legal regime on the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine», any documents issued by the illegal authorities in the Crimea, will be void. To solve the problem of leaving the Crimea to the mainland Ukraine in the state service of Ukraine on Affairs of Crimea and of Sevastopol proposed to give the citizens when crossing adminpraise license plates sample Ukrainian and Russian number to Deposit.
As explained in the Radio Crimea.The realities of the head of the main service center of the interior Ministry of Ukraine Vladyslav And proposed a mechanism to solve the problem at the moment is unreal. «International Convention says that number plates can be used by one country. We invent a mechanism that in principle, and contrary to common sense and international laws. So it turns out there on the Peninsula, the machine exploits the insignia of the Russian Federation, assume that 1 April or 1 June or 1 August, and on the territory of Ukraine license plates of Ukraine», – said the And.
The other guest of the program is the Chairman of the state Service of Ukraine on Affairs of the Crimea and Sevastopol Nariman Ustaev considers the idea of creation of service centers of the Ministry of interior on adminpraise acceptable. «We had no sooner occupied territories, so we could not include this legislation. Now we have a situation when we need to make changes that actually we offer. To amend the legislation and then everything will be legal,» he added.
Photo: Stanislav Krasilnikov/TASS