In many cases, for such skin diseases as psoriasis is accompanied by itching and inflammation of the joints. Scientists from China found that in men, psoriasis may be associated with the development of erectile dysfunction, and quite heavy.
Nowadays dermatologists are more inclined to believe that the cause of psoriasis development are disturbances in the immune system – that is, this disease is not only linked with skin, and is more General.
This means that in addition to lesions of the skin, there may be problems with other tissues. Confirmation of this can serve as the existence of psoriatic arthritis, inflammatory lesions of the joints associated with psoriasis.
And Chinese researchers at the dermatological clinic of Central Guangdong province in Guangzhou (Guangdong Provincial Dermatology Hospital in Guangzhou) found that among men with psoriasis, increased incidence of impotence.
Scientists from Guangzhou interviewed and surveyed nearly 200 men, patients with psoriasis, and so many representatives of the stronger sex, which dermatological diseases did not suffer.
About the problems with potency reported 53% of patients with psoriasis and 40% of the participants from the control group.
Further study showed that among subjects with psoriasis almost complete impotence was observed in 6% of reported erectile dysfunction, while in the control group about this sad phenomenon was reported by only 2% of participants.
However, as the head of this research Professor Suuny JI (Ji Suyun), the risk of erection problems was lower among those men who suffered from psoriasis, which with the help of healthy lifestyle and medication could keep it within normal limits, blood pressure and levels of glucose and cholesterol in the blood.