Among various types of plastic surgery chin surgery or mentoplasty is very popular. Until recently, such operations were very painful to solve the problem helped the replacement of the scalpel by ultrasound.
Methods of the so-called plethoria have already found wide application in dentistry. This latest method of surgery involves the use of ultrasound of certain frequency, which can drill the tooth is not only much faster than the high-speed drills, but almost no pain.
And Italian researchers have successfully used the ultrasonic scalpel to solve more complex medical problems: the excision of bone tissue during plastic surgery of genioplasty, that is, improve the shape of chin.
Still, despite the use of General anesthesia during the operation, after the operation the patients had to experience quite strong pain.
And staff at the University of Naples Federico II (University of Naples Federico II, Italy) was successfully used for the operations of chin correction methods plethoria.
They conducted operations genioplasty 40 patients, half of which interventions have been made using traditional methods, while the remaining 20 form the chin has improved with the use of the ultrasonic scalpel.
Evaluation of healing of postoperative wounds, presence of complications and pain were performed daily during the first 15 days after the intervention.
Scientists from Naples report that in the first 3 days after surgery, and on the 15th day after the patients, treatment which was applied the methods of plethoria, was observed, less severe pain compared with group in which the patients operated on with the use of traditional methods.
In addition, the use of plethoria was associated with less swelling in the area of operation and correspondingly faster healing of wounds.