— The world championship in Kazan definitely have done without this drug — said «MK» famous coach of the Russian synchronized swimming Tatiana DANCHENKO, working primarily with star Duo Natalia Ishchenko, Svetlana Romashina (pictured).
— I, no effect of this drug is not heard and tend to think still in terms of sports it’s the same placebo effect.
— You are already my fourth interviewee, talking about it!
— So, is not accidental. And I want the people responsible for this took the case. How much of the drug appears: six months or more? Why not to warn of danger from 1 July, for example? No one cares about?
— The Russian anti-doping Agency all fall twitching in convulsions: who would it disturb?
There are a lot of inconsistencies obtained, and the result — here it is, on the news. «Girls, you in October about the ban of Mildronate knew?» (We were talking during training, and the athletes responded: Yes, were aware.) Generally it is strange that many were uninformed. But we were warned.
— Who directly informs your team about the dangerous changes?
— We have a great doctor who is never lazy to climb every day on the WADA website. And not just a website. To study it is a profession. The query to send them if you are in any doubt. And this is a very professional person.
— And whether there was, in principle, Mildronate?
— It is reported that to some extent this cardioprotector, when efforts or critical health situation it helps the heart. From sudden heart attacks he can protect her, but to give the athlete explosive power flash, never. There’s nothing to talk about.