For the health of the unborn child, the vast majority of pregnant women with huge attention and care about what they eat and drink for 9 months. Meanwhile, the danger may come from the air they have to breathe.
Violations of behavioral nature in children (disobedience, inability to concentrate, increased aggression, etc.) significantly complicate the lives not only of children themselves but also the people around them: first of all, parents, caregivers and teachers.
But scientists from the USA found that one of the causes of behavioral disorders in children may be pollutants in the air, which enter the bloodstream of the mother, and then through the placenta to the fetus. A particular danger from this point of view, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) that are present in varying degrees in the atmosphere of any city.
These substances are released into the urban atmosphere primarily from exhaust gases of automobile engines, as well as power plants and individual heating systems of dwellings, if they are in the fuels used are petroleum products or coal.
Researchers from the Institute of psychiatry of new York state (New York State Psychiatric Institute) for 11 years observed the 462 children. The authors of the study first determined the extent of air pollution in those areas where during pregnancy mother lived the young study participants, and tested air samples for the presence of PAHs.
All children underwent a special psychological testing to identify behavioral problems at age 3, 4, 5, and 7, 9 and 11 years old.
Scientists have discovered a direct link between the degree of air pollution of PAHs in the places where lived the mother of the children during pregnancy (in medicine this is called prenatal exposure) and the risk of children developing attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), as well as increased anxiety, depression and aggression.
In 2013, another group of scientists from the USA have found a link between prenatal exposure to PAHs and the risk of deterioration of memory and intelligence in the early school years.