An Orthodox activist has been fined in the case, now it will face criminal prosecution
The issue of suppression of the Orthodox activist and the ally of the head of the movement «God’s will» Enteo Lyudmila Esipenko was solved today, March 17, Simonovsky district court. The investigator went to the court with the petition for appointment of house arrest of the accused in the destruction and damage of cultural property on exhibition in the Arena last summer. At the same time her lawyers are insisting on the release of the activist, as she has already been sentenced by the Tver court for these acts, paid the fine and can’t be tried again.
Shortly before the meeting in Simonovsky court was quiet and calm: neither journalists nor Orthodox activists, has already become a good tradition for such meetings. And only mild anxiety appear in the eyes of police officers, when in the air hung the name «Esipenko». And not in vain. Suddenly, in the court formed a crowd: women in kerchiefs, strong young men with different density beards confidently went to the courthouse. Here and there flashed the emblem of the movement «Forty times».
The participants were talking quietly: someone discussed the linoleum, the issue of abortion, someone was praying. But on the second hour of waiting was found a sacred sacrifice in the form of a journalist with an uncertain position. Strong activists took to the circle inferior to the physical training of the young man and interrogated him. On the question: «what do you think about «pussy riot?» the dispute is at an impasse. Prior to that, confidently demonstrating their intellectual abilities, the journalist simply walked away. «No, well, what we asked for?» «Why is he mad?» said the outraged activists.
Not had a chance to cool down as yet another occasion for fun. A familiar roar interrupted the silence in the hallway of the court appeared the leader of the movement «God’s will» Dmitry Larionov, he Enteo.
Low growth the young man in black jeans, black Park collected endorsing the views, greeted by some activists and retired. As it turned out, for holding a picket near the court building. However the marshals got excited for nothing. A few people got a home-made placards bearing slogans against the persecution of Orthodox and had stood in silence for a few minutes. The picket ended. Meanwhile in the corridor of the court almost did that last summer with success in the Tver court, when «disorderly conduct» judged the Enteo and other activists who damaged the show.
— Let us pray — suggested some of the activists, getting a prayer book.
— Well-ka get — asked the bailiff.
— Praying is my constitutional right, ‘ rejoined the young man.
«It would be better removed, administrativku can solder» — murmured someone in the crowd. Mass prayer in the end did not happen.
After some time the hall began to let journalists. Activists asked to stay in the corridor, which caused a lot of outrage:
— Put the girl!
— Have something to hide?
— 37th year?!
And even when the door was closed, the crowd did not give up:
— Christ is risen!
— In truth he is risen!
— Do not make noise in the court! — tried in vain bailiff.
By the way, noisy activists are not in vain. A little later, Enteo and a few of his associates managed to break through the defenses and let them in the hall.
When the journalists entered the hall, the aquarium was already Ludmila Esipenko: young girl in a black knit cap, from under which peeped bobbed black hair, dark blue dress with white stripes. Opinion defendant was scared, but she didn’t submit.
— How did you spend the night? — asked her sister.
— Yeah, fine. î she smiled.
As soon as the session began, it became clear that the investigator may be biased because of the scandalous incident that occurred back in December of last year. As explained by the second lawyer any Esipova, her client on call investigator to appear for the interrogation on 2 December 2015. There she handed recognizance not to leave and offered to undergo psychological and psychiatric examination. Despite the fact that expertise of this kind is voluntary (Esipova, by the way, looks nothing like suffering from mental illness), wrung her hands and forcefully shoved into the car. The girl escaped with bruises, which were recorded by physicians. Later she wrote a statement that a criminal case against her abuser.
— Law enforcement authorities the crime was committed. We therefore hope that the court will satisfy the challenge. The inquiry officer in respect of whom the application was made on the criminal case, cannot carry out investigative actions, as may be by the person concerned, — the lawyer told.
Nevertheless, the court has rejected the petition of lawyers. They in turn said new: the investigator may not participate in the process, as it performs the instructions of their leadership, which is directly interested in a particular outcome. According to defenders, Esipenko repeatedly addressed in law enforcement bodies statements about the insult to his feelings, as a believer and demanded from the security forces of carrying out of check and response. Perseverance and integrity Esipenko, according to lawyers, has become a stumbling block and resulted in a real confrontation between the girl and the law enforcement agencies, which by the way, ignored all of her statements.
The judge rejected the request for extension Esipenko the period of detention for 72 hours.
Watch the video on «the Second coming Enteo in the arena came to nothing»
Sunday, August 16, Orthodox activists under the leadership of Enteo again came to the Arena. This time they wanted to convince the police, to close the exhibition of nonconformist artists on the grounds that the exposition of the Museum , in their opinion, offends the feelings of believers. But its inconsistent reasoning in a raised voice associates Enteo only irritated the visitors of the Arena and the guard invited the offended to carry the application to the nearest police station. That’s it.