Photo: wikipedia_n_vilnus
To transfer picture deliberately did not — it it sounds very Latvian speech, and the audience made two versions of the subtitles — in English and Russian. She’s nothing like other films about rock stars, there’s not an ounce of narcissism, the desire to make themselves loved, another presentation, or to boast of achievements. For the filming the group did not attract any of the characters from the outside: they involved only themselves, but also the producers and sound engineers who work with Brainstorm. The work was very Frank and psychologically thin. Artists remember all the key stages of the life and creative biography, which in their case was woven together, tell how ordinary guys from a provincial Latvian town of Jelgava in the school gathered the team, organized the first concert in the auditorium for the kids from his and other classes, and the first photo shoot — straight male in the school toilet. And a recording of the concert, and these photos have survived, they are shown in the ribbon.
Musicians do not cease to repeat throughout the film that they were born and grew up in the Soviet Union, and it still affects their entire path. Documentary footage interspersed with historical footage, excerpts from old Soviet cartoons, posters, banners, creating a colorful collage of clip. Although the symbolic group was created on the eve of the day when Latvia gained independence, and once in the country, in the words of the artists, has penetrated the West, they began to actively absorb new elements of culture, the great popularity they had gained in Russia and Eastern Europe. «Brainstorm and call you: «our foreigners», — laughing guys.
After the memories of the Soviet childhood of the musicians with the audience is transported to Berlin, to the Studio, where they created their latest album «7 Steps Of Fresh Air». Largely thanks to the work in the Mecca of progressive foreign musicians, where their «cornerstones» was created by U2, Depeche Mode, David Bowie and other rock bands, the album corresponding to the name — fresh, not like the previous one. «We’ve been experimenting with different albums, but here we wanted to create something fundamental,» tell the guys. The songwriting process they turn in quest: are divided into two groups, each of which creates its own musical theme. After listening to both together, they choose one of them or combine them, creating a third thing.
The team was cohesive with the first day of existence. Its five members have always called themselves the five fingers of one hand. And for them the world turned upside down, when in 2004 in a car accident killed bassist Gundars «Mumins» Mausevics. He has devoted a separate Chapter of this tale. After the death of the other musicians decided to assign him his place in the team posthumously and to continue to play as a Quartet, at a period he released the album «Four shores» («the Four banks»), in which these banks they are associated. Now plays with them another man — Ingars vilums. «I speak with Brainstorm nearly 10 years, but never heard «are you in a band». You know, I dream to hear those words,» admits Ingers.
«This so-called true story, there is nothing invented, says about the film the soloist renārs cuypers, where all of our archival materials for 25 years. When we have received from the company a proposal to make such a film, we immediately responded positively to this idea, since we live quite closed, do not want to include any private, personal life. But the team directed by Sandis of Semenova worked so and so just picked up the materials, and then took modern period, we recorded the new album at the Hansa Studio in Berlin, and then everything is so woven together that we were really touched by the final option that I saw for the first time at the premiere in Riga. This is a story about us, about our music, and the story of Latvia, as we age, our group was born together with the new Latvia».
«In this film there is no formula for success, but if you decide to create a group and you need some example of longevity and ability to conserve the team for many years — we will be happy if this film will help or tell me some advice, supports the colleague Janis Jubalts, but remember: first we need to get acquainted with the drummer in kindergarten».