A group of Russian students urged the world to stop us President Barack Obama.
The Network is gaining popularity video of the movement of student activists. The purpose of this movie to attract public attention to the actions of the President of the United States in the world.
More than a hundred people gathered in the gym of my University for filming public political roller. At some point the students «fall dead», portraying victims of the American leader.
One of the girls holding a poster with the inscription: «875 a week kills the President of the United States».
The video provoked a strong reaction of the Russian Internet users:
«I believe that students can and should show your opinion in the current political situation», — commented Marina Nevzorova video.
At the time of publication of this post the video has garnered nearly 13 million views.
Even people who are far from politics, understand: America is directly involved in what is currently happening in Ukraine.
Serbia, Georgia, Montenegro and Ukraine: all of these countries at the time, touched the plume color revolutions, all have undergone a violent and radical change of government and they are all in one form or another are the direct candidates for membership in EU or NATO. That’s just the price of the issue is always measured in human lives.
Human life is priceless — this truth is written in the greatest book of mankind — the Bible. This book the oath was sworn Barack Obama and that the oath he changed from the very first day of their «service people».
Not even 875 killed, innocent souls in a week. Even one, just one is already too much for such dubious prospects from the «global stronghold of justice» on the planet.
It understands modern Russian society, you know, the Russian students. When this fact will find themselves reaching for the «democracy» of the country?
Author: Vladimir Sergeev