By now created over 100,000 applications of a medical nature for smartphones. Some of them are really useful, but sometimes these programs do not stand up to scrutiny. It happened with the application for blood pressure control.
Experts in the field of medicine, tested the application, medical devices, allocate some of them as having high accuracy and is applicable for health care professionals in the context of developing countries. This applies in particular to applications for the diagnosis of glaucoma, to check visual acuity and even applications that allow using a mobile phone to obtain a cardiogram.
However, the check app Instant Blood Pressure, intended for measuring blood pressure using a smartphone, has revealed that this program provides result acceptable precision.
Developers Instant Blood Pressure for measuring blood pressure suggest to run the program and attach the short side to the left side of the chest, holding it so that his index finger was on the lens of the camera apparatus.
However, according to the American researchers from the medical College at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore (Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore), test app has shown that its use for blood pressure control impossible.
The study involved 85 volunteers, of which more than half was previously detected hypertension. From the number of hypertension medications to treat took 91% of the participants.
During the experiment the pressure in participants was measured using a conventional pressure cuff (sphygmomanometer) as well as the use of smartphones and app Instant Blood Pressure.
Scientists discovered that the app was showing normal pressure, almost 80% of those participants where the measurement using a tonometer is determined excess.
The average error was 12 mm Hg. V. to decrease for diastolic pressure and 10 mm Hg. art. for systolic, which is absolutely unacceptable from the standpoint of professional medicine.