Melioidosis is a dangerous infectious zabolevanie, praticheski unknown in Europe, but in South-East Asia region and Tihookeanskogo this disease kills thousands of lives annually. And effective vaccine against melioidosis was created by the scientists from England.
Researchers from Exeter University in South-West England (University of Exeter) have successfully completed animal testing of a vaccine, which provides protection against melioidosis.
This is an acute infectious disease, which also called «Whitmore’s disease», is caused by Burkholderia pseudomallei bacteria, which begin to multiply rapidly in the blood and cause sepsis, often ending in death of the patient. Also very dangerous subacute and recurrent forms of melioidosis.
In some parts of the world melioidosis is one of the main causes of death of able-bodied population from infectious diseases – for example, in the North Eastern region of Thailand (Thailand), it is second by the number of lives carried out only AIDS and tuberculosis. High mortality from the pneumonic form of melioidosis and in some regions of Australia (Australia).
In different countries of the world there have been several attempts to develop an effective vaccine against melioidosis, however, they did not provide develop long-lasting immunity.
Finally, the lucky scientists from Exeter, who were engaged in the development of a vaccine against melioidosis for the last 20 years.
During tests on mice it was found that it provides the production of a large number of specific antibodies, which persist in the blood for a very long time.
Perhaps this year will start clinical vaccine trials involving people.