photo: Gennady Cherkasov
About underwater mines women’s day, we asked the fairer sex — to be able to warn you of the explosion of the brain Paul strong.
Top 3 win-win gifts
(According to the polls themselves the heroines of imminent triumph on the classification of the Good Motion — Spirit).
The good: obviously, the gifts type the apartment/car/fur/jewels/fashion gadgets women exclusively are welcome — no matter how close your relationship is. However, if the desire (or money) for such gifts you have not, there is always a decent way out is a branded accessory (gloves, scarf, purse, phone case or rug in the car). Anyway, these items also applies to «good». And belonging to the brand gives etomu good status «elite». Despite the fact that the accessory even if a famous fashion designer has made his personally, will not cost prohibitive.
Motion: gifts from those in the chest can not hide, but a good time. Of course, good package tours and plane tickets in, as well as an annual card in the elite fitness club. But if not possible, give her a certificate for an adventure (helicopter, parachute jump, dinner with a star, etc) or paid day at the Spa. The only way to fit everything: manicure, pedicure, anti-cellulite massage, Hammam, waxing, Facials and juices at the bar — believe me, it’s the dream of every woman!
The spirit: gifts that enrich spiritual and tickets to the theater or a concert, an invitation to the Vernissage of a famous artist, or a flight to the Vienna Opera… But if to such beautiful gestures neither are you, win-win there is always an alternative — made with your own hands (or brains). Personally the artwork (music, poetry, slepleno statue or even a snow, etc.) will not leave indifferent even the snow Queen! The main thing is that your creative work was dedicated to her only. And in women’s preferences leads Serenade beneath her window — and no matter what you will be there alone to whine to the tune of your own phone, the main thing that you went ahead and dedicated the feat to her most beloved.
Top 3 blunders
Surprise-and-and-and-and-out in action. This men’s spontaneity, expressed in the improvisation of holiday entertainment, for example: «Sweetheart, not a jerk… (in a theater for extra tickets, a restaurant with empty seats, for friends of the blue). No, no and no! Even if your friend in life was all so sudden and controversial before the holiday any normal woman thinks your «bow» and its relevance in the circumstances of the celebration — and why they need to know in advance!
Who is nice surprise to suddenly be in a long gown and heels in the pub or in tights and a mini in the Opera house?! From the same category of surprises that don’t know how to react, but swearing is to bring home a dog, cat or other animals, which you didn’t ask. So you understand, this is still that a woman will lead you into the house your mother and shouting «Surpriiiise, honey!» claim that now mommy will live with you. Worse than that on March 8 can only be to the next point…
Tipple. Note that this is not just drank is drank so that is out of order. Not to the day, and the day before (this often happens with husbands office corporate). And now a day «x» I feel disgusting, look bad and are not capable of smiles and compliments, even under threat of the death penalty. Consternee act, perhaps, can’t think of anything worse that could only be…
Forgot. Never forget to congratulate, and generally forgot about the holiday!
This is a rare spit in the soul! While true gentleman had to prepare for the holiday for a week at least, exercise at least on this day not to remind her about her beloved «eternal squandering» and «endless drinking with friends». And now you remember everything — and in nadolice favorite social networks, and how their girlfriends from the past nadobny — not only as a comeback plan! In women’s days, than on weekdays just habitually grumble, can become fatal. For men, of course.
Top 3 efficient know-how (to the lady remained with you from 8 to 9 March)
All of the most effective methods if you want to leave it until the morning, begin with the word «propose»…
«…And let’s meet!» (If the relationship is still friendly). The youth is now fashionable to specifically identify (and even mention) the transition from «we’re» to «we’re Dating» because it means that we have come all the way romantic experiences and choices made.
«… And marry me!» (if a relationship of a month or more). If you disagree, just show me the finger, which does not flatter men’s offer! But you can be comforted by the hope that lady won’t accept it.
«…And let’s leave right now let’s go to the Maldives!» (if you are deeply married to the one you want to lure to bed 8 to 9 March).